Notice / 22 7월 2024
Notice Regarding Upcoming Attendance Board Issue

Hello SuperKola Tactics Adventurers!

We would like to inform you about an issue related to the Attendance Board.

A new Attendance Board will be applied starting from July 23. The current attendance Board ends at 23:59:59 (UTC) on July 22, and the new Attendance Board starts at 00:01 (UTC) on July 23, creating a 1-minute gap in between. We would like to inform you that if you log into the game during this 1-minute gap on July 23, your attendance may not be properly applied in the database, which may result in not receiving rewards.

Therefore, to avoid this issue, please log out of the game before 23:59:59 and log back in after 00:01 on July 23.

Please note that this issue is scheduled to be fixed during the maintenance on July 30.

Thank you for your attention to this matter and for your continued interest in SuperKola Tactics.
We will do our best to provide an improved gaming experience.

Thank you.