[How to Grow My Character?]
As you progress through SuperKola Tactics, you must ensure that your characters grow to clear more stages. By default, clearing stages earns experience points for natural level growth, but you can also support growth and enchants through the following guides below.

① On the main screen, there is a level-up button in the top left corner when you enter the Character menu. Click this button to use experience points obtained from character dismantling to level up.


[How to Enchant?]
Apart from leveling up characters, you can enchant the parts a player wears to increase combat power.

①  In the character management section on the main screen, there is a parts enchant menu on the left. Use material items and Gold to enchant parts.
Enhancing parts increases stats randomly within a specified range. You’ll need Upgrade Stones and Growth Powders for this.

[How to Fusion?]
Apart from character leveling, characters also have grades. Grades include Common, Uncommon, Rare, Unique, and Epic. Except for Common, characters of the same grade can be fused together to create a stronger character. Fusion allows you to increase or reset the grade of selected character parts.

On the main screen, entering the Fusion menu allows you to select two characters for fusion using Curios to proceed. Only characters of the same grade and at maximum level can be fused. Fused characters will have their parts grades increased and are reset to level 1, with 70% of the used materials refunded. Note that representative characters cannot be selected.
To successfully fuse, the score of character parts determines success or failure.


Success is achieved if at least one part has a higher score than the others. Each part has its own success probability and if any part succeeds, the part’s grade increases. If all parts of the character being upgraded are Epic, stat rerolling becomes possible.

1. Parts are reset to level 1, allowing for re-enchant.

2. If stats are low, they can be rerolled. Upon success, the grade of the selected character’s highest-scoring part increases by one, and the material characters and Curios are consumed.



●  This is created in-game information purposes and actual gameplay may differ depending on conditions such as update, device, and game environment.

●  This content is created for providing in-game general information and is not for the purposes of solicitation, advice, or recommendations regarding any investments or the selling/purchase of products.


[Retrieving the materials after fusion]
When fusion is performed, materials can be obtained based on the grade and enhancement of the characters used as materials.

In the screenshot above, if the character on the left is used as the base and the character on the right is used as the material, upon successful fusion, you will be reimbursed for a certain amount of the materials used for the fusion.
① When the character positioned on the left (the base character) is in an enhanced state, 70% of the materials will be reimbursed.

The screenshot above shows how the materials are reimbursed to your mailbox after fusion.